Interrogation Functions

char* Name(char* buf)

Fills in the specified buffer with the debug name of the subset, and returns a pointer to the buffer.

int Dim(void)

Returns the dimension of the subset. If the subset is projective with removed points, this dimension reflects the dimension of the related primitive geometric form (e.g. a projective plane with a removed point has a dimension of one).

SubSetType Holds(void)

Returns the type of subset currently held by the subset.

Boolean IsIn(GeOb& g)

Returns TRUE if and only if the geometric object g is in the subset.

Space EmbeddingSpace(void)

Returns the space that contains the subset.

Boolean IsSubset(SubSet& s)

Returns TRUE if and only if the subset s is a subset of this subset. Not valid for projective subsets with removed points. Will return FALSE if the subset types do not match.

Boolean IsFullSpace(void)

Returns TRUE if and only if this subset contains all the geometric objects in the embedding space.

Boolean HasRemovedPoints(void)

Only valid if the subset is a projective subset. Returns TRUE if and only if the subset has a set of removed points (i.e. it is the domain of a noninvertible projective map).

GeObList AtInfinity(void)

Returns a list of points that span the set of points at infinity. Only valid if the subset is an affine subset in a projective space.

VSubSet TangentSub(void)

Returns the subset of associated tangent vectors. Only valid if the subset is an affine subset in an affine or vector space.

GeObType Accepts(void)

Returns the type of geometric object that is contained in the subset (e.g. affine vector equivalence classes in a projective subset defined in a tangent space).